Thursday, 22 April 2010

Social Oomph

I've taken out a free trial of the professional version of Social Oomph -

I think the paid version is too expensive for individuals, so I'll be making the most of the professional features for the six days I have it.

One of the features I particularly like is the ability to add a recurring post with lots of variants. You type as many tweets as you like into one post and tell Social Oomph which Twitter account you want to post to and how frequently you want to post (for Twitter once a day is the most). Social Oomph then posts randomly from your variations to keep your online activity busy all the time.

I've used the feature to advertise that I'm currently available for interim work and free programme health checks. I've also advertised my free programme case studies. I have a second recurring post set up to promote my pub directory
One of the side effects I've already found is that it has increased my number of followers.
I really recommend you take a look at Social Oomph if you have any kind of social networking account. Even the free version is good; if only they had an intermediate paid version for individuals!

Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Free Programme Health Checks

I've decided to offer organisations free health checks for their business change programmes with budgets in excess of £10m.

More than ever, in these current economic times, organisations need to be sure that they are doing the right programmes, aligned to corporate strategy, in the right way and with the right people.

A programme health check or gateway review should provide reassurance, but can cost thousands of pounds. Now people can have them for free if they contact me (remember, I'm an OGC Approved Gateway Reviewer).

Why would I do it for free? Well, the market is so quiet at the moment that most of my assignments only occupy a small proportion of my time. By giving these health checks for free I'm creating a larger business network for myself, and hopefully generating plenty of goodwill that could repay me at a later date.

For more details about the offer - and it genuinely is free with no catches - visit

Thursday, 1 April 2010

Hard Times Indeed!

Proof if it were needed that times are hard; I was just called by one of the best agents I have ever worked with who told me his company has folded.

To add insult to injury he was given no advanced warning and arrived to locked doors one morning. What a bad way to treat loyal members of staff.

Things really are bad if people like this cannot sustain business. I wish him well for the future.